The number of buyers an M&A advisor works with at any given time to sell a business can vary greatly depending on the size and type of business, as well as the M&A advisor’s approach and strategy. However, it is generally considered best practice for M&A advisors to work with multiple buyers in order to maximize the exposure of the business and increase the likelihood of a successful sale.

Working with multiple buyers has several benefits, including:
1. Increased competition: By working with multiple buyers, the M&A advisor can create a competitive environment that can drive up the value of the business.
2. Increased exposure: With multiple buyers, the business has a higher chance of being seen by potential buyers who may not have otherwise been aware of the opportunity.
3. Better negotiations: By working with multiple buyers, the M&A advisor can use their negotiations skills to leverage offers and ultimately secure the best deal for the seller.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that working with too many buyers can also be a drawback, as it can be difficult to manage and can lead to confusion and mistrust. M&A advisors should balance the need for multiple buyers with the need for confidentiality and a manageable number of potential buyers.

In conclusion, the number of buyers an M&A advisor works with can range from a few to several, but it is generally considered best practice to work with multiple buyers to increase the exposure of the business and maximize the chances of a successful sale.