See below the Murphy Business Brokers March Update. Helping Eastern North Carolina Business Owners Sell – Confidentially, Discreetly, and Profitably.

Murphy Business Brokers March Update
The Murphy Tip: Know Why You Want to Sell
What do you plan to do after you sell your business? It’s important to know your purpose for selling, so you can appropriately plan what you want to do after the sale. Are you planning on a total exit, or do you want to stick with the business for a while? There are a few options at your disposal when deciding your reasons for exiting your company. If you are wanting to take a step back, but still want to have some involvement, you can keep a small percentage of the company and transition into a new role with lighter responsibilities after the sale.
If you are interested in selling your business let’s have a confidential and discreet conversation regarding your situation and whether or not this is the right time for you, and how we can assist you throughout the process.
The Eastern North Carolina (NC) office provides intermediary services in Greenville, Fayetteville, Wilmington, Jacksonville, Rocky Mount, New Bern, Wilson, Washington, Elizabeth City, Nags Head, Kill Devil Hills, Duck, Kinston, Goldsboro, Havelock, Lumberton, Tarboro, and surrounding areas.
About Us
Providing business owners of large main street and the lower middle market sized businesses (between $1 million and $25 million in revenue) with creative, value-maximizing solutions for exiting their businesses. To date, Murphy Business Services has handled engagements in excess of $2.1B across various industries in North America. With decades of M&A experience, Murphy Business’ Eastern North Carolina deal team have assisted owners with achieving their personal objectives. Our Business Intermediary and M&A experts can help you figure out if you are ready to sell your business, create an exit or succession plan, and find the right buyer. We look forward to starting the conversation about the possibilities that your future holds.
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